Statement: The Voter Participation Center Sends More Than 100,000 Pieces of Mail to California in Get-Out-the-Vote Initiative for the Congressional District 20 Special Election

Part of a major effort by VPC to encourage eligible Californians to vote 

The non-partisan and non-profit Voter Participation Center (VPC) is sending 101,241 pieces of mail to eligible, registered voters in California’s 20th Congressional District to encourage participation in our democracy. It’s part of an initiative to build enthusiasm around the Special Election in Congressional District 20 on Tuesday, May 21.

Tom Lopach, President and CEO of the Voter Participation Center said, “VPC brings democracy directly to California voters’ doorsteps by providing 101,241 residents with resources about when and how they can make their voices heard at the ballot box in the 20th Congressional District’s Special Election–whether by mail, by voting early, or on Election Day. We are here to provide eligible voters with the information they need to vote on May 21.” 

VPC’s outreach reminds eligible voters in California that “Our democracy depends on people like you exercising their right to vote” and thanks those who have already participated in the election.

The Voter Participation Center and our partner organization, the Center for Voter Information, send our mailings and target digital outreach to members of the New American Majority – people of color, young people, and unmarried women – many of whom have historically been underrepresented in our democracy. In 2022, only 43% of all eligible New American Majority voters went to the polls. By contrast, 66% of voters outside the New American Majority participated in the 2022 elections. This is the gap that VPC and CVI aim to close by providing resources to these underrepresented communities through our digital and mail programs. Since 2003, VPC and CVI have helped to register more than 6.1 million voters and encouraged tens of millions more to turn out to vote. 

The Voter Participation Center and Center for Voter Information are non-profit, non-partisan organizations founded in 2003 to help members of the New American Majority – unmarried women, people of color and young people – register and vote. Since then, the organizations have helped 5.7 million people register and cast ballots.