We are the New American Majority.
The New American Majority—young people, people of color and unmarried women—is 150 million people strong. They represent 64% of the people who can vote in America.*

Since 2003, the Voter Participation Center has helped 6.6 million voters register and get to the polls.**
VPC Helps Millions of People Register and Vote
Voting is tied to your address.
More than 41% of us move every four years.
That’s twice the rate of non-NAM members in the U.S. (Lake Research Partners)***VPC brings democracy to your doorstep.
VPC also reaches you online.
We want a government that represents us.
When we register and vote, we make sure our government represents all of us.
My Vote
is for the American Dream
My Vote
is for Clean Water & a Livable Climate
My Vote
is for Healthcare
My Vote
is for Higher Wages
My Vote
is for Justice for All

Stay up-to-date with VPC.
*Total data shown for 2020, but demographic breakdowns are from 2018 Census data, based on a total population of 142 million members of the New American Majority.
**Combined lifetime efforts of the Voter Participation Center, Center for Voter Information and predecessor/partner organizations.
*** A Demographic Profile of the New American Majority in 2018, Lake Research Partners